LISS Cardio

LISS Cardio

Recent years have seen a surge in interest for the low-intensity, steady state (LISS) cardio exercise. It is also known as “steady training”, or “SST”. This exercise is appropriate for people of all ages, regardless of their fitness level. Anyone who wants to move and get off the couch will benefit from this type of exercise. This is also a great exercise for cross-training and endurance.

LISS is an aerobic activity done at a slower pace over a long period of time. This can include walking, running or cycling at a relaxed pace.

The opposite of HIIT is LISS, which involves pushing as hard as you can for short periods. Peter Katzmarzyk, PhD, is the associate executive director of population health sciences for Pennington Biomedical Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He studies obesity and physical activity.

The movement is not new. Although the LISS term may be, it’s still a relatively recent concept. It’s at the core of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Physical Activity Guidelines, which urge people to get 150 to 300 minutes a week of low-to-moderate-intensity exercise, Dr. Katzmarzyk says. Katzmarzyk served on the HHS advisory committee that developed these guidelines.

“LISS exercise is the aerobic exercise that public health practitioners have advocated for decades — walking, cycling, and swimming.” He said it was synonymous with moderate intensity activity.

What is a LISS workout?

LISS is a workout that is intense. Heart rate targets can be used to determine the intensity of your workout.

The intensity of your activity is determined by the heart rate. Maximum target heart rate is considered the safest level of intensity for exercise.

You can calculate your beats-per-hour (bpm) by subtracting the age of the person (about 200 BPM if you are 20 years old or 185 BPM if you are 35).

You can achieve 50-70 per cent of your target heart rate by doing LISS (moderate intensity exercise).

You should be aware that your level of fitness can influence the type of activity you can and cannot perform without raising your heart rate above a certain threshold. Slow jogging can raise your heart rate beyond the threshold for LISS for those who are less fit. Jogging can raise your heart rate above the threshold for LISS exercise in people who are more fit.

If you are just getting started, aim to do a LISS exercise for 20-30 minutes. Robert Ross is a PhD professor at Queen’s University, Kingston. His research is focused on lifestyle and exercise strategies that are related to obesity. As you build endurance, Dr. Ross recommends that you work out at least 60 minute multiple days a week.

LISS Versus hiIT: What is the difference?

LISS workouts are designed to keep a steady heart rate for longer periods. HIIT exercises, on the contrary, are designed for a shorter period of time to raise heart rate. The main difference is intensity. Ross recommends that HIIT be performed at 85 percent your maximum heart rate. This advice is consistent with the American Heart Association definition of vigorous intensity exercise, which is 70 to 85 percent of your target cardiovascular rate.

Other differences exist:

  • Time: A LISS exercise, which provides the same benefits as a HIIT workout in terms of calories and energy expenditure, will take more time than a HIIT that only takes 30 minutes.
  • PacingLISS is the same pace throughout whereas HIIT alternates between intense periods of exercise and short periods of recovery.
  • LISS exercises require concentration and focus. You may need to pay attention and concentrate more when doing HIIT.

LISS Training Offers Many Health Benefits

LISS and other forms of low-to-moderate intensity exercise offer many health benefits. You can reduce your chances of getting sick. High blood pressure is a risk factor for stroke, obesity, diabetes, and other diseases. Cancer types. It can improve mental health, muscle strength, endurance and cognitive function.

The effects of a high-intensity, 8-week interval workout program (Tabata style classes) on college students who are otherwise inactive were similar both anaerobically and aerobically.

LISS workouts offer many additional benefits such as:

  • It’s easier to learn, and has less impact on the body.
  • It is usually quicker to recover from an exercise.
  • This allows you to work out longer and build endurance.
  • It can help people achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.

This post was written by Darryl Johnson, Co-Owner of Apex performance. At we are a community of highly trained experts looking to provide performance enhancement and a permanent lifestyle change for our clients in a fun and interactive environment. Members can take advantage of one-on-one training, small group classes and specialized courses for a wide variety of athletics, sports training and body goals!

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