8 Effective Supplements and Vitamins for Relaxation

8 Effective Supplements and Vitamins for Relaxation

It’s hard for many individuals to calm down and relax in a world that never turns off. This new reality is having profound effects on people’s ability to fall and stay asleep.

According to research from the American Sleep Apnea Association, 70 percent of U.S adults have difficulty sleeping at least once a month. Even a slight disruption in sleep can leave you feeling tired, irritable, and with a foggy mind.

Luckily, there are natural solutions you can use when you’re having trouble relaxing before bed. Keep reading this guide to learn about the best vitamins for relaxation and how they can help promote a good night’s sleep.

  1. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an ancient Indian Ayurvedic herb known for its many incredible benefits it can bring its users. These benefits include helping to reduce symptoms associated with depression, and recent studies have also shown it may help decrease inflammation in the body.

However, Ashwagandha can help with much more than just that. The ayurvedic herb is identified as an adaptogen, meaning it can help your body cope with the adverse effects stress can bring.

With the use of adaptogens, your body is better equipped to handle stress and the side effects that come from it, including:

  • Weakened immune system
  • High blood pressure
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia

Managing stress levels with herbs like Ashwagandha can help individuals relax and fall asleep easier. A recent study on the effects of Ashwagandha concluded that participants taking the herb experienced significant improvements in stress levels and sleep quality.

  1. Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea is another powerful adaptogen like Ashwagandha that can help the body cope with the effects of stress. It’s grown in the high altitudes of Europe and parts of Asia and is also known by the names golden root or arctic root.

Rhodiola was first recorded being used by Dioscorides, a Greek physician in 77 ce. Since its discovery, it has been used for centuries in countries like Russia and Scandanavia to treat fatigue and depression conditions.

Most of the studies conducted on Rhodiola have been aimed at the herb’s anti-inflammatory effects. Although the anti-inflammatory properties are beneficial for many different conditions, it’s the herb’s ability to influence various transmitters, making it one of the best natural relaxation remedies on the market.

Since Rhodiola acts as an adaptogen, it can help relax users without causing havoc to their central nervous systems, leading to additional fatigue in the long run.

  1. Melatonin

A popular ingredient in numerous sleeping aids, melatonin, is widely considered one of the best sleep remedies to take. Melatonin is actually a hormone produced in a small part of the brain called the pineal gland.

Melatonin is naturally produced by the brain when it’s dark outside, helping to establish sleeping patterns. The melatonin that many people take in popular sleeping supplements is a synthetic form used to promote improved sleep.

Individuals can also take melatonin when attempting to adjust their sleep cycle, like traveling to different time zones or working an overnight schedule. Adjusting to a different time zone is tough, especially when your body is used to sleeping and now needs to be productive at that time.

Adults with insomnia or other sleep disorders may benefit from taking melatonin before bed. The supplement typically comes in pills, tablets, chewable, or liquid. Some supplements may promote a “time-released” formula, which usually involves a special capsule or tablet that breaks down slower, leading to a controlled release of melatonin instead of absorbing it all at once.

  1. Magnesium

Magnesium is always mentioned as one of the best vitamins for relaxation and sleep as it plays a critical role in the human nervous system.

The vitamin plays a role in over 300 functions of the body, including muscle and nervous system functions. Magnesium can be naturally found in foods such as:

  • Dark leafy greens
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Whole grains
  • And beans

However, certain medications can have negative impacts on magnesium levels as well as certain health conditions like type 2 diabetes and Chrohn’s disease. Even without these conditions, people who avoid including plants and other whole foods in their diets risk not consuming enough of the essential mineral.

You can also find magnesium in various bottled water, but these will typically be in lower amounts, if any at all.

Several studies have indicated how magnesium can help with certain sleep disorders. One study shows how magnesium when combined with melatonin, resulted in positive effects on patients with insomnia. Another study concluded that individuals with mental or physical stress could benefit from taking magnesium supplements.

Magnesium comes in several different forms, including magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide, and magnesium chloride. It has been reported that magnesium citrate is the better-absorbed form as it bounded to citric acid.

  1. Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is another natural herb related to the mint family. The herb has been used traditionally to improve stress levels and boost individuals’ moods.

Lemon balm can help reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety, leaving users more relaxed and calm. Researchers have conducted several studies on lemon balm and how its positive effects on stress and anxiety can translate to potential benefits on sleep disorders.

The herb can be used in things like tea before bedtime to help users relax and calm their minds.

You can grow lemon balm yourself, it’s fairly easy to grow, and a single plant can produce a good amount for you to use in things like tea. Lemon balm can also be purchased in supplement form. However, if you decide to go this route, make sure you go with a high-quality manufacturer.

  1. Passionflower

Another popular herb used to promote relaxation, passionflower, is an excellent choice for usage in sleep remedies. It can also be referred to as wild apricot, maypop, purple passionflower, or true passionflower.

Passionflower is famous for its calming effects it can bring to users. The calming and relaxing effects can be so profound that many use it to help with occasional sleep disorders.

A study aimed at showing the effects passionflower has on human sleep involved 47 participants who would drink a cup of passionflower tea before bed and then journal their experiences for a week. The discoveries of the study suggest that drinking passionflower tea can produce beneficial effects on sleep quality for users.

You can find passionflower at most health food stores in tea or looseleaf form. If you prefer taking it in supplement form, you can also find it in capsules or a tincture.

  1. L- Theanine

L-theanine is a unique compound that isn’t a vitamin, mineral, or herb. It’s actually an amino acid, which are organic compounds used to form protein molecules.

The amino acid is naturally found in the leaves of tea, giving many herbal drinks the relaxing effect users are looking for. It’s, for this reason, many people associate l-theanine with feelings of relaxation and calmness.

L-theanine is also known to potentially promote other positive effects for users, including:

  • Easier time focusing
  • Feeling less stressed
  • Lower blood pressure

Interestingly, a few popular caffeine supplements also contain l-theanine. This is due to the calming effects l-theanine can promote without causing drowsiness, leaving users energized and focused.

  1. 5-HTP

Another beneficial amino acid used for a handful of different ailments, 5-HTP is becoming a favorite to include in sleep remedies.

5-HTP can potentially be used to promote health benefits, including:

  • Reducing symptoms of depression
  • Improving symptoms of fibromyalgia
  • Lessening migraine frequency
  • And promoting better sleep

The amino acid has been extensively researched for its positive effects on depression. Researchers believe the positive effects can be attributed to the effects 5-HTP may have on certain brain chemicals, like serotonin.

Serotonin can be converted into the hormone melatonin in the body, which is used to regulate sleep cycles. With the promotion of melatonin production, 5 HTP can be used to encourage a better night’s sleep.

Which Vitamins for Relaxation Are Best for You?

There are so many different vitamins, minerals, herbs, and amino acids used to promote relaxation and better sleep quality. Vitamins and herbs tend to affect people differently, so a vitamin that works best for someone else may not be the best for you.

So you can try each individually to see which one works best, or an even better idea is to find a combination of them to work synergistically together. If you’re looking for a combination of the most popular vitamins for relaxation and sleep, you will want to try these vitamins.

The gummy vitamins are perfect for anyone looking to improve their sleep quality without having to take a bunch of pills.

Learn More About Vitamins and Other Relaxation Remedies

With so much going on in the world today, it’s become too common for people to experience sleeplessness and feelings of anxiety or depression. This leads to additional problems such as prescription misuse and abusing stimulants like caffeine to try to compensate for the lack of sleep.

Luckily, there are natural solutions that utilize vitamins for relaxation instead of having to use harsh prescriptions. If you’d like to learn more about vitamins that help with relaxation, check out the rest of our website for more information!

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